Wednesday, May 20, 2020

The COE course empowers trainees to change public health policy

Karissa Hammer, MD
Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility Fellow
Department of OBGYN, MGH


Karissa Hammer, MD
The COE public health policy course lifted the veil covering our complex medical system. As a physician, my training thus far has focused on disease processes and providing excellent evidence based care. However, I never completely understood why our country still struggled to give healthcare coverage and access to care to everyone. 

I am still frustrated when I frequently find myself spending excessive time on the phone to get insurance companies to cover medications for my patients, have patients not comply with medical recommendations for cost purposes, or patients come to me late into a disease process since they did not have access to a primary care provider for disease screening. 

This course allowed me to understand how our health system became so fractured and what efforts are being made to attempt improving it. I learned how I could play a role in improving access to care. The mystery of how to “fix” our broken healthcare system still exists, but it is clearer to me now what the breaks are and I feel empowered to be involved in changing it.


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