Thursday, May 14, 2020

How to improve healthcare in 3, 2, 1

Mousab Mustafa Eteer, MD
Fellow in Anesthesia Critical Care at Brigham and Women's Hospital 


Gliding on the ice seems so effortless, smooth and easy.
All you need to do is learn from someone, fall on your behind
a few dozen times, and persevere despite the pain. 
As a child, my family moved from North America to their ancestral homeland in Libya to take care of my grandparents. It was there I learned that healthcare was a luxury so few had access to. As I listened to the stories told by my teachers, friends and family, it impressed upon me the importance of a well-managed h 
ealthcare system in delivering the care so many needed. Ever since, I’ve tailored my education and interests into the science of medicine with the goal of one day helping deliver healthcare in low resource areas. Taking part in the Value Based Healthcare Delivery course at the Harvard Business School broadened my understanding to the challenges in delivering high value healthcare in all settings. Having a course that tests trainee’s perspectives on the delivery of healthcare, in a way not often presented through our medical education, brought a fresh perspective to the difficulties encountered by countries, health systems, and small clinics in coordinating, rationalizing, and facilitating such an undertaking. With the tools presented throughout the course, I hope to make an impact in my future job as an Anesthesiologist and Intensivist in Michigan creating a new ICU for a local community hospital. With the experience I gain throughout my career, maybe one day I’ll be able to make an impact back home in Libya and abroad.

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