Monday, March 15, 2021

Valuable and engaging course on Clinical Skills Teaching.

Sarah E. Conway, M.D. 
Fellow in Multiple Sclerosis 
Brigham and Women's Hospital 


Sarah Conway, M.D. 
I recently participated in the COE course on Clinical Skills Teaching, and highly recommend it for anyone interested in medical education. Though I have been interested in medical education since the beginning of residency, I had never had any formal training in how to teach or give feedback. In this course I gained valuable exposure into cognitive theories. One major takeaway was the “30/70 rule” which brings to light that when a teacher is teaching a learner a certain skill or topic, they will often only give the learner 30% of the needed information. This is critical because it can help us understand why a learner may not be learning the topic, and will impact how I teach in the future.

 The course also provided valuable insight on giving feedback, and the importance of creating an environment of growth and mutual respect, and giving direct feedback in the moment. I will use these skills as I work with medical students and residents in this year to help foster their learning and growth. The best part of the course was the chance to practice our own teaching in small groups and getting to know other residents and fellows interested in medical education

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