Thursday, March 18, 2021

I wish I had the opportunity to attend CTS course during high school!

Rishab Gupta, MD, MBBS
Fellow in Behavioral Neurology & Neuropsychiatry 
Brigham and Women's Hospital 


Rishab Gupta, M.D., M.B.B.S. 
The COE Clinical Teaching Skills course was a revelation for me. I feel I have gained some precious insights into how I can become more effective teacher and learner. In medical school, I and my friends used to often joke about how medical knowledge “evaporates” so quickly. But now I know several ways by which I can “soak” it. Apart from using the knowledge gotten from the course to hone my teaching skills, I am also strongly considering sharing teaching/learning tips with my less privileged friends and colleagues in India who cannot attend this course.

I believe it is valuable not only for residents and fellows but for any student/teacher at any level. I really wish I had been exposed to this training when I was in high school, I would have been a more prepared student during exams and later in medical school.

I have now modified the way I provide feedback to residents and medical students. I love the concept of treating feedback as a dialogue, and not a monologue. My residents appear more comfortable when I discuss their evaluation with them.

As an aspiring academician, soon to wear the faculty hat, I feel more confident about the transition where I would be expected to give classes to medical students and residents regularly, all thanks to this course.

I want course organizers to seriously consider holding it more frequently so that more people can benefit from it.

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