Thursday, March 18, 2021

Launching my Career in Medical Education.

Kristian J.  Von Rickenbach, MD, MS
Fellow in Sports Medicine (Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation) 
Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital 


Kristian J. Von Rickenbach, M.D., M.S. 
I have always had an interest in the how of learning. How do we accept information, take it in, process it and then store it for recall? Through medical school and residency, I have tried many different approaches to learning and memory retention, some which have worked better than others. When a topic does not stick, I feel frustrated at my inability to acquire the knowledge expected of me in a timely manner. Through the COE’s Clinical Teaching Course, I was taught about learning theory and can more easily understand why I have had deficits in my own learning, and how I can improve my learning in the future. This course was engaging and left me feeling passionate about learning more about the how of learning and teaching and why it it is such an important topic that we should all learn about it medicine. The Clinical Teaching Course is a valuable course for all medical professionals as we are all teachers to each other and to our patients. It taught me that teaching, just as learning, is a skill – one that should be studied, critiqued and adjusted. I look forward to working in medical education in my future career and this course was a perfect launching point toward that professional goal.

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