Thursday, March 18, 2021

Teaching the Teacher: Learning to Give (and Receive) Feedback Effectively.

Elyse J. Brinkmann, M.D. 
Fellow in Adult Reconstruction (Orthopedic Surgery) 
Brigham and Women's Hospital 


Elyse J. Brinkmann, M.D. 
The COE Clinical Teaching Skills Course provided an amazing opportunity to learn from faculty who are passionate about improving medical education and to collaborate with peers from various specialties across the Partners health system.  While this course was limited to a virtual setting due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the lessons were still incredibly relevant and well adapted to our current environment.  I have enjoyed teaching and mentoring throughout my life, and I am anticipating accepting an academic position next year, but I have had few opportunities during my training to learn how to be an effective clinician educator.  This course helped satisfy this desire to learn how to be a better teacher.

I enjoyed being exposed to new concepts through the course about how to employ effective adult learning strategies and constructive feedback focused on a growth mindset.  It was very interesting to hear that peers from different specialties face many of the same obstacles with regards to medical education, but also value the same basic principles when it comes to characterizing an outstanding teacher.  I am thrilled by the challenge to take these lessons into my interactions with residents and medical students both throughout the remainder of my last year of fellowship and thereafter as a faculty member.  I hope to be able to engage my trainees and colleagues to promote a positive feedback environment using the skills learned in this incredible course.

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