Tuesday, April 6, 2021

COE Course Supports Learning & Encourages Feedback

Catherine Wang, MD
Resident in Internal Medicine
Brigham and Women's Hospital 


Catherine Y. Wang, MD. 
The Partners Centers of Expertise (COE) Clinical Teaching Skills (CTS) course proved to be a fantastic learning opportunity. Hearing from leaders in the medical education world empowered me to learn more about cognitive science to build a more strategic plan when approaching teaching scenarios or feedback. I now have a much better understanding of how to provide and receive effective feedback that is specific, measurable, and actionable. I also have a better sense of how to target teaching for a specific audience.

This course was exactly the opportunity I needed to hone my teaching through a skills practice. Designing a 5 minute teaching scenario was an excellent way to replicate what may happen on rounds next year as a junior resident when teaching medical students and interns. Peer feedback was an important component of this experience and helped me fine-tune the didactic material. This course was of huge aid to my future career in medicine as I hope to continue in the academic setting and be involved in undergraduate and graduate medical education in the future.

 It is of utmost importance for trainees to have experiences like this while training because, whether we receive formal training or not, a large portion of what we learn during our residency years are taught to us by our near-peers versus our attendings. An excellent teacher who is able to convey topics succinctly is a precious resource in the trainee community. Receiving formal education regarding teaching pedagogy and the latest practices in providing feedback are two ways that you can elevate a medical student or intern’s experience as a junior or senior resident. As we become better teachers we concurrently have the opportunity to become better learners. This course is not only didactic in nature but also affords us the opportunity to reflect on how we learn, which in turn emboldens us to become more effective learners and teachers. I would absolutely recommend this course to a trainee at any level whose aims are to teach and provide feedback in a more meaningful way. 

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