Friday, July 9, 2021

Learning to view healthcare in a bigger picture.

Fei Wu, M.D. 
Resident in Anesthesia
Massachusetts General Hospital 


The Value-Based Healthcare Delivery course had been a rather mind-opening experience for me. It had allowed me, a clinical trainee to start viewing the bigger picture in healthcare. We can not do the best for our patient if the system is not working in a sustainable, consistent, and efficient way. 

I really liked the concept of focusing on “value”, and discussions on how to organize healthcare in a way to deliver better value for our patients. It was lots of fun to learn about different hospitals and their respective history and development course. 

It even helped me to identify what I am missing in my clinical practices, like outcome measurements. This course had been a cornerstone for me to be more aware of the things I see every day, big or little, and think about its impact on the healthcare system. And hopefully with these concepts I have learnt from this course, I would be better able to contribute to healthcare on an organizational level in the future.

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